
HSM congratulates Forstbetrieb Frank Keller on its 100th anniversary.

HSM employees and management congratulate Forstbetrieb Frank Keller on the company's 100th anniversary celebrations.

HSM at 18th KWF Conference 2024

We would like to express our sincere thanks for the great interest in our presentations and the very positive response.

HSM presentation at FORST LIVE 2024

We would like to thank you!

Your HSM team would like to thank you very much for your visit to the HSM stand at FORST LIVE 2024 and the resulting great interest in our products.

Head Office: +49 (0)7944 9191-0  |  e-mail: info[at]  |  Service: +49 (0)7944 9191-45 (No additional charge)

Find out more!

Now available!

HSM Calendar 2024

Let HSM accompany you through the new year!

Forestry professionals can enjoy wonderful themes from HSM forestry technology month by month, throughout the year. HSM dealers were again responsible as every year for distributing the calendar throughout the German-speaking region and abroad.

Traide Fairs

Visit HSM at international forestry traid fairs and focus days.

Forstlive 2025

FORSTlive 2025

April 11th - 13th 2025

Lucerne International Forestry Fair 2025

Lucerne International
Forestry Fair 2025


DLG-Waldtage 2025

DLG-Waldtage 2025


HSM receives big response on Facebook!

The online team at HSM is excited about the great amount of interest being shown in the HSM Facebook page. The page exceeded 10000 fans as early as the beginning of February.

If you haven't yet, you too should come check out the HSM Facebook page.

HSM Facebook